Refactoring Code to Load a Document

Refactoring Code to Load a Document

The Single Responsibility Principle

Nice summary of my favorite principle.

Future proof

Future proof

Quite stongly-expressed article about designing code to cope with changing requirements. Don’t read without also studying Uncle Bob’s answer at

What is JAR Hell?

What is JAR Hell?

Nice summay but no new solutions (of course)

Survey Confirms JSF Remains Leading Web Framework

Survey Confirms JSF Remains Leading Web Framework

Database versioning best practices

Database versioning best practices

Should be common sense, but anyhow…

Loosely Coupled Tests

Loosely Coupled Tests

Good explanation why mocking isn’t the answer to everything in testing with dependencies (Classical article on this topic is

An Iterative Waterfall Isn’t Agile

An Iterative Waterfall Isn’t Agile

You can always learn a lot if you explain something (here: agile) by telling what it is NOT about…

JavaScript und Java sind die populärsten Programmiersprachen auf GitHub

JavaScript und Java sind die populärsten Programmiersprachen auf GitHub

Forever number one 😉

Some thoughts about yagni

Java Deep

Yagni means “You Aren’t Gonna Need It”. This is a phrase used many times to refuse the development of some features that may be needed later but not now. Yagni means that you should develop a feature in your code, which is needed and when it is needed and not sooner.

Why do we have this term at all? Do developers tend to develop features that are not needed? It should be like that otherwise there would not be any expression for the phenomena. It may seem crazy for someone not knowing how a programmer thinks and works.However the fact is that programmers do like to develop features that were not requested.

Why do programmers tend to develop features that are not needed?

Reasons and Problems of Yagni

Coding a feature, which is similar to one I have just developed is easier than something totally unrelated. Developing similar features one…

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